Annual Reports

We are required to post Annual Reports for the New York State Education Department. Please find downloaded copies of all Annual Reports to date below. 

Please note: Financials are unaudited and for management purposes only.

Community Roots ESSER & ARAP Grant Funding Information

Funding Period 03/31/2020 – 09/30/2023

New York State Education Department Health and Safety Guide for the 2021-2022 School Year

Updated August 2021

Community Roots Remote Learning Policy 2021-2022

Effective September 13, 2021 – November 22, 2021

CRCS Continuity of Learning Submissions 2020

DASA & McKinney-Vento

McKinney-Vento in Homeless Assistance Act Here 

Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Here

Parents/Guardians Right to Know Here

New York State Freedom of Information Law

Community Roots Charter School (the “School”) complies with the following in order to abide by the New York State Freedom of Information Law (Article 6 of the New York Public Officers Law; “FOIL”):


Complaint Procedure

To bring a complaint about any issue, the complainant must follow the procedure set out below, as prescribed by the school’s Charter (section VIII d. 1, as amended).  This procedure is separate from the due process procedures prescribed in the school’s Disciplinary Procedures.  If the complaint concerns discipline of a student or arises in the context of a disciplinary proceeding, the Disciplinary Procedures shall govern.

1.  The complaint must be in writing and should state with as much precision as possible the facts giving rise to the complaint. 

2.  The complaint should be submitted to the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, which has the authority under the school’s By Laws to act on behalf of the Board in reviewing complaints by members of the school community.  If the complaint concerns a member of the Executive Committee, that member shall be excused from all discussion of the complaint.

3.  In considering the complaint, the Executive Committee may request that the Co-Directors  or a member of the Board conduct an investigation of the complaint and the steps, if any, that were taken to resolve the complaint prior to its being brought to the Executive Committee; and it may ask for a written report of such investigation.

4. The Executive Committee will consider the complaint and the report of any investigation that it commissions and will respond in writing to the complainant within thirty days of receiving the complaint. 

5. In accordance with Education Law § 2855(4), if after presentation of such a complaint to the Executive Committee in accordance with this procedure, the complainant is dissatisfied with the Executive Committee’s decision, the complainant may appeal to the Office of Charter Schools of the New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) at, in accordance with NYC DOE complaint procedures; provided, however, that in the case of a complaint related to a disciplinary proceeding, the complainant shall have all the rights of appeal set forth in the school’s Disciplinary Procedures.

6.  If the complainant is dissatisfied with the decision of the NYC DOE, the complainant may appeal to the New York State Board of Regents in accordance with that office’s complaint procedures. 

District Safety Plan

Updated 10/2024